A SEASON CHEF This week Ruth features Chef Ruth’s plain or roasted red pepper hummus, plain or Waldorf chicken salad, Butternut Lasagna, and Tortellini Salad, as well as a variety of soups, including Chili, Lentil, and Chicken Zoodle. This week she will bring the following quiches in both small and large sizes: Broccoli & Brie, Lorraine, and Ham & Cheddar This week she will bring the following carb- and gluten-free frittatas in both small and large sizes: Sausage & Pepper and Spinach & Mushroom. Ruth will also be bringing chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and gluten-free crinkles, as well as orange pound cake and magic bars. Be sure to follow Ruth on Instagram @chef_ruth_catering and you can pre-pay via Venmo @seasonchef |
AMAZING ACRES GOAT DAIRY Amazing Acres will return to the market this week with their selection of goat cheeses. |
BOTANICAL BUBBLES October’s soap of the month is Maple Bourbon! Autumn scents are now available: Apple Cider Donut, Pumpkin Spice, Ginger Peach, Fly Eagles Fly soap. As the weather dries out, protect your skin, and choose from Botanical Bubbles wide assortment of moisturizing lotions, including new Lavender Lemon Goat’s Milk Lotion. |
ENOL VINEYARDS enol vineyards will return to the market this week with their locally-produced wines. |
FULL TABLE Full Table Farm is a small 2-acre vegetable farm in Kennett Square utilizing organic and low-till practices to grow beautiful food with a small but mighty seasonal crew. Find one of their farmers, Grace, at market this Wednesday! |
HANK’S CINNAMON BUNS Hank’s Cinnamon Buns will return to the market this week with their delicious baked goods. This week they feature cinnamon buns and chocolate cinnamon buns. |
LINDENHOF FARM Lindenhof Farm is a small, multi-generational farm located in Kirkwood, PA, and owned by Axel & Susan Linde. They raise all-natural, grass-fed, poultry, beef, lamb & hogs on healthy open pasture. It’s time to order your Thanksgiving turkeys, in person at the market or online. There are lots of choices for size and either the heritage brown turkeys or the more common broad-breasted, white turkeys. Both are raised on their farm, outside as much as possible, on green grass with local grain supplement.This week Lindenhof features fresh pork chops for the grill or tailgating and fresh pork roasts great for a crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches. |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD Happy National Apple Month! Celebrate all month with a selection of the many varieties NSO will have at market this week, including Winecrisp! (Note that is WineCRISP not WineSAP). Full of sweet, almost berry-like flavors and an amazing hard crunch, these are a real fall favorite around here! They’ll also bring the other usual suspects. |
PENN GROWS Penn Grows will return to the market this week. They will be bringing their assortment of micro greens and micro green infused skincare items. To learn more, visit their website at https://penngrows.com/ and https://microglams.com/. |
PENNSYLVANIA DISTILLING Penn Distilling will return to the market this week. This week they will bring their line up of locally distilled spirits, as listed below. Dewey’s No.69 Small Batch Bourbon WhiskeyPA Liberty Rye WhiskeyAmerican Single Malt WhiskeyOld City White Rye WhiskeyFrontier Explorers Gold RumFrontier Explorers White RumFounders Artisan Dry GinFirst City Vodka |
RED BARN PRODUCE Red Barn Produce will return to the market with their locally grown produce. This week they feature spring mix, arugula, spinach, power greens mix, cherry tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, head lettuce, carrots, onions, sugar peas, and radishes. Additionally, Red Barn Produce is now approved to accept the Farmers Market Nutrition Program “FMNP” checks. |
WOODSEDGE Brent will return to the market this week with WoodsEdge alpaca and llama clothing, as well as their honeys and beeswax candles. |