*Photo credit Full Table Farm
A SEASON CHEF This week Ruth features Chef Ruth’s artichoke hummus, buffalo chicken salad, and turkey burgers, as well as a variety of soups, including Gingered Carrot and Chili. This week she will bring the following quiches in both small and large sizes: Spinach & Artichoke and Broccoli. This week she will bring the following carb- and gluten-free frittatas in both small and large sizes: Chilaquiles and Smoked Salmon & Scallion. Ruth will also be bringing chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and gluten-free crinkles, as well as baklava blondies and chocolate almond loaf.Be sure to follow Ruth on Instagram @chef_ruth_catering and you can pre-pay via Venmo @seasonchef |
AMAZING ACRES GOAT DAIRY Amazing Acres Goat Dairy will return to the market this weekwith a wide assortment of chèvre varieties as well as several bloomy rind options. |
APPLEVILLE TREATS Appleville Treats is excited to return to the market this week. They will have plant-based goodies in stock to spoil the doggies! They extend a thank you for the warm welcome on their first day of the market! |
ENOL VINEYARDS enol vineyards will return to the market this week with their locally-produced wines. |
FULL TABLE This week Full Table Farm will be back with more early summer goodness! **New** this week they’ll have new potatoes! They’ll also have butterhead lettuce, spring lettuce mix, and power greens salad mix along with scallions, basil, salad turnips, radishes, carrots, and beets. Broccoli, sprouting broccoli (aka broccolini), cauliflower, kale, and chard will also be available. The sugar snap peas are beginning to wind down in the heat, but there will still be delicious pints left for this week. It’s also now officially zucchini season on the farm! They have both the usual dark green skinned zucchini and a lighter green stripped zucchini called Costata Romanesco. This pretty variety is a traditional Italian heirloom with a firmer texture and a slightly nutty flavor – it’s delicious raw or cooked! |
HANK’S CINNAMON BUNS Hank’s Cinnamon Buns will return to the market this week with their delicious baked goods. |
LINDENHOF FARM Lindenhof Farm is a small, multi-generational farm located in Kirkwood, PA, and owned by Axel & Susan Linde. They raise all-natural, grass-fed, poultry, beef, lamb & hogs on healthy open pasture. Find farmer Axel & Renee at market each week! It’s grilling season, when it is too hot to turn on the stove or oven inside! Steaks are back in inventory at markets. Make no “misteak,” these are 100% grass fed and finished. More choices include fresh pork chops, sausages, fresh chicken and plenty of farm fresh pastured eggs. PREORDERS WELCOME; DEADLINE IS TUESDAY NIGHT BY 8PM** |
NEW-BEE RANCH New Bee Ranch is excited to see you Wednesday at Oakmont FM! Rachel will be bringing spring honey, both plain and infused, as well as a big variety of small-batch, seasonal goods. Don’t forget the cooler full of krauts! Pre-orders are encouraged, but NBR will bring the complete product line to the market on Wednesday. Send your pre-orders by direct messaging Rachel through her New-Bee Ranch social media pages or send an email to newbeeranch@gmail.com.Pre-payments can be made through Venmo to @newbeeranch |
NEW ROAD BRINERY New Road Brinery will return to the market this week with Patrick’s lineup of pickles, salts, rubs, and hot sauces. |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD North Star Orchard is excited to return to the market this week with their locally grown produce. No fruit yet, but they’ll have lettuce, garlic scapes, new potatoes, some cherry tomatoes, and sugar snap peas. This week, meet and greet their new staffer Averyl, along with Olivia whom you’ll recognize from last year. |
PENNSYLVANIA DISTILLING Penn Distilling will return to the market this week. This week they will bring their line up of locally distilled spirits, as listed below. -Dewey’s No.69 Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey -PA Liberty Rye Whiskey -American Single Malt Whiskey -Old City White Rye Whiskey -Frontier Explorers Gold Rum -Frontier Explorers White Rum -Founders Artisan Dry Gin -First City Vodka |
RED BARN PRODUCE Red Barn Produce will return to the market with their locally grown produce. This week they feature cherry and regular tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, snap peas, lettuce mix, and asparagus. New this week, they will also have black raspberries and green beans. Additionally, Red Barn Produce is now approved to accept the Farmers Market Nutrition Program “FMNP” checks. |
TRADITIONAL GREEK SWEETS Peggy will return to the market this week with their eats and sweets, all of which are baked from scratch in their commercial kitchen in Radnor PA. This week they feature mini baklava, chocolate seragli, paximathya (biscotti), spanakopita rounds, and lathenya. |
TWO BUDDING FLORISTS Ali will return to the market this week with their seasonal blooms and bouquets. |