ANNA’S OVEN The market is pleased to welcome Anna’s Oven to the market for the first time this week. Be sure to stop by to check out all of their small batch, made to order desserts. This week they will be bringing cupcakes, brownies and cookies. To learn more, visit their website annas-oven.square.site or find them on Instagram @insideannasoven. |
A SEASON CHEF This week Ruth features Chef Ruth’s plain or roasted red pepper hummus, plain or Waldorf chicken salad, Butternut Lasagna, and Tortellini Salad, as well as a variety of soups, including Chili, Lentil, and Chicken Zoodle. This week she will bring the following quiches in both small and large sizes: Crab, Lorraine, Broccoli & Cheddar. This week she will bring the following carb- and gluten-free frittatas in both small and large sizes: Sausage & Pepper and Spinach & Mushroom. Ruth will also be bringing chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and gluten-free crinkles, as well as Boo-scotti and Road Kill Rice Krispie Treats. Be sure to follow Ruth on Instagram @chef_ruth_catering and you can pre-pay via Venmo @seasonchef |
BRIA AND LATELLA’S ITALIAN AMERICAN DELI & KITCHEN George will return to the market this week with all the dishes you’ve come to know and love from Bria & Latella’s. |
CHIZFIT Chizfit will return to the market this week with their non-dairy, vegan, and plant protein infused goods. |
CONEBELLA FARM Pam will return to the market this week with Conebella’s aged and fresh cheeses, cheese spreads, yogurts, cultured butter and their new ice cream!. The arrival of fall also means apple and pumpkin products, including yogurt smoothies, cheese spreads and Greek yogurt. Preorders are appreciated at www.conebellafarm.com. |
CRUSTY DELIGHT Eric will return to the market this week with his loaves of sourdough bread, fresh fruit scones, pizza dough, and chalk for the kiddos. |
FULL TABLE Full Table Farm is a small 2-acre vegetable farm in Kennett Square utilizing organic and low-till practices to grow beautiful food with a small but mighty seasonal crew. Find one of their farmers, Grace, at market this Wednesday! |
HANK’S CINNAMON BUNS Hank’s Cinnamon Buns will return to the market this week with their delicious baked goods. This week they feature cinnamon buns and chocolate cinnamon buns. |
LINDENHOF FARM Did you put in your pre-order for a Thanksgiving turkey yet? Lindenhof has whole white birds, heritage birds, whole breasts, leg quarters, and turkey wings. Lindenhof’s turkeys are raised outside on green grass, with loads of sunshine and fresh air. They are very healthy turkeys with no additives, vaccines, or medications! Place your pre-order here. Chilly weather calls for chili recipes and Lindenhof has lots of options like ground beef, fresh ground turkey, ground pork, chili chicken sausage, loose chorizo sausage, or beef hot Italian sausage. |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD This week NSO will have a great selection of apples, including Winecrisp, Sugar Snap, Super Nova, Spica (one they developed on the farm) and more. They’ll also have leeks, garlic, broccoli/cauliflower, and sweet potatoes. NSO is now accepting reservations for your holiday/wintertime stash of Gold Rush apples and varietal Gold Rush cider (all available for pickup later in November and December). Learn more and place your reservation here. |
PENN GROWS Penn Grows will return to the market this week. They will be bringing their assortment of micro greens and micro green infused skincare items. To learn more, visit their website at https://penngrows.com/ and https://microglams.com/. |
PENNSYLVANIA DISTILLING Penn Distilling will return to the market this week. This week they will bring their line up of locally distilled spirits, as listed: Dewey’s No.69 Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, PA Liberty Rye Whiskey, American Single Malt Whiskey, Old City White Rye Whiskey, Frontier Explorers Gold Rum, Frontier Explorers White Rum, Founders Artisan Dry Gin, First City Vodka |
RED BARN PRODUCE Red Barn Produce will return to the market with their locally grown produce. This week they feature spring mix, arugula, spinach, power greens mix, cherry tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, head lettuce, carrots, onions, sugar peas, and radishes. Additionally, Red Barn Produce is now approved to accept the Farmers Market Nutrition Program “FMNP” checks. |