BLISSFUL BELLE & CO Blissful Belle & Co will return to the market this week with their candles. Contact them today via email for details and check them out on their website at Blissfulbelleco.com. |
BLUEBERRY HILL FARM Peg will return to the market this week with her locally grown produce, which will feature onions, cherry tomatoes, red raspberries and more. Please note that Blueberry Hill is a cash only vendor. |
CONEBELLA FARM Enjoy the taste of summer in a new refreshing flavor- Orange Pineapple yogurt smoothies and Greek yogurt! Pam will have all of the aged cheeses, cheese spreads, fresh mozzarella, yogurt smoothies, Greek yogurt, cheese curds, and cultured butter. All of their dairy products are made from the fresh Ayrshire milk produced on our family farm in Elverson. Preorders are always accepted at www.conebellafarm.com or by emailing gable@conebellafarm.com. |
DEER CREEK MALTHOUSE Deer Creek will return to the market this week with their locally grown grains plus baking ingredients, dry mixes, and ready-to-consume food and beverages made with the same high quality local ingredients malted at their facility in Glen Mills. Beverage offerings include a selection of craft beers plus non-alcoholic, caffeine-free barley tea! Pre-orders available 24/7 at Deer Creek’s online store! Select “Oakmont Farmer’s Market” as the pickup location at the end of checkout. The cutoff for pre-orders is Tuesday at noon. Call (717) 746-6258 or email markets@deercreekmalt.com with any questions. |
HOUSE CUP COFFEE ROASTERS Roasted daily in Havertown, House Cup brings a variety of fair trade organic coffees for sale at the market every week. One pound bags are available OR bring your own bag and save $3/lb! If you need your coffee ground, pre-order it online (housecupcoffee.com) one day before the market, select Local Pickup at checkout and indicate which market in the Notes section. Also available are tins of organic teas and local merchandise to purchase. Cash or credit welcome! |
LINDENHOF FARM Axel will return to the market this week with with fresh eggs, fresh spring chickens, fresh ground turkey, beef, pork, lamb, duck, pet food, and easy to heat pot pies. This week Lindenhof features their items best for summertime grilling. They’ve got chicken wings, spicy or sweet sausages, hamburgers, all beef hot dogs, pork chops, New York strip steaks or turkey fiesta sausage. Go to lindenhoffarm.com to place your pre-order for beef, pork, fresh chicken, duck, lamb, and eggs. Pre-orders are requested to be in by Friday at noon; however, Axel is offering on-site sales for the market as well. |
NEW-BEE RANCH New Bee Ranch is excited to see you at Oakmont Farmer’s Market! Rachel will be bringing several kinds of local, raw honey, including the first honey of 2022-a light, buttery, floral early spring honey, and a variety of seasonal infused honeys. She’ll also have all-natural beeswax body products and candles, fresh ferments, and of course her lemon curd and jams. Pre-orders are welcome, but Rachel will bring her complete product line to the market on Wednesday. Send your pre-orders by direct messaging Rachel through her New-Bee Ranch social media pages or send an email to newbeeranch@gmail.com. Pre-payments can be made through PayPal or Venmo to newbeeranch@gmail.com. |
PHILLY PHOODS Philly Phoods will return to the market this week with their locally grown microgreens. This week they feature Broccoli Sprouts, Rambo Radish, Dunn Pea, and Black Oil Sunflower Microgreens. Each is $2.99 per OZ or a 3oz clamshell $8.99 Try all 4 Microgreens 12 Oz for $28. They will also have sunflower and pea shoot pesto! |