BOTANICAL BUBBLES Sherri will return to the market this week with her line-up of household and body products. Botanical Bubbles will have all the favorites plus seasonal scents like Heaven Scent [Honeysuckle], and Dandelion Honey Thyme. Also, with spring here, Sherri will have the return of her all-natural, great smelling Bug Off! bug spray. |
CONEBELLA FARM Pam will return to the market this week with Conebella’s selection of dairy products. Now that warmer weather is here, think CHEESE for your summer gatherings! Grab a block of cheddar, cheese curds or cheese spreads for an easy addition to any party. Pam will have all of their dairy products, including aged cheeses, cheese spreads, fresh cheese curds, yogurt smoothies, Greek yogurt, cultured butter and fresh mozzarella. Preorders are accepted by Tuesday 6 pm at www.conebellafarm.com. |
CRUSTY DELIGHT Eric will return to the market this week with his loaves of sourdough bread, fresh fruit scones, and pizza dough. To pre-order click here. |
FORGEDALE FUNGI Forgedale Fungi will return to the market with their farmed and foraged specialty mushrooms. |
KOMBUCHA BLISS Kombucha Bliss will return to the market with their selection of kombucha. Featured flavors this week are: Strawberry Rhubarb (using local organic rhubarb), Grape with Fig Leaf, and Lavender Berry. Pineapple Ginger and Dragonfruit will also be available for purchase. $6 each. 2 or more for $5 each. Feel free to return bottles as they can be sanitized and reused. Preorder requests can be sent to kombuchablissorders@gmail.com. Your invoice can be paid online or upon pickup. |
LINDENHOF FARM Axel will return to the market this week with Lindenhof’s usual beef, chicken, lamb, pet food, pot pies and eggs. This week Lindenhof features fresh pork chops (thick and thin), fresh pork roast, and a few fresh spare ribs. Additionally, they feature fresh chicken, ground turkey, and plenty of eggs. Go to lindenhoffarm.com to place your pre-order for beef, pork, fresh chicken, duck, lamb, and eggs. Pre-orders are requested to be in by Tuesday at noon; however, Axel is offering on-site sales for the market as well. |
SALVATERRA’S GARDENS Salvaterra’s Gardens will return to the market this week with their locally grown produce. This week they feature spring mix, spicy European mesclun mix, spinach, arugula, baby chard, tuscan kale, green kale, red kale, collards, chard, red and green choy, mizuna, tatsoi, red leaf, green leaf, romaine lettuce, scallions, radishes and hakurei salad turnips, parsley, dill, cilantro. They will also have the first fresh red beets and carrots of the season. |
TWO BUDDING FLORISTS Two Budding Florists will return to the market this week with their locally grown flowers and arrangements. |