AMAZING ACRES GOAT DAIRY Lynne will return to the market this week with Amazing Acre’s fresh Fromagina, a wide assortment of chevres, as well some bloomy-rind options available for sale at the market. Make sure to get your favorites by placing an order at our online store ( for pickup at the market. |
BLUEBERRY HILL FARM Peg will return this week with her wonderful produce. She will be bringing red beets, red raspberries, mint, parsley, zuchinni, cucumbers, large onions, kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, and blueberries among other surprises. Customers can choose from pre-packaged produce, as Peg is not accepting pre-orders. Please note that Blueberry Hill is a cash-only vendor. |
BRIA AND LATELLA’S ITALIAN AMERICAN DELI & KITCHEN George will return to the market this week with all the dishes you’ve come to know and love from Bria and Latella’s. Though George will offer on-site sales, customers are encouraged to email George at with pre-orders, questions or special requests and may pay via credit card, Venmo, cash or check (made payable to Bria and Latella). Items available for pre-order include soups (vegetarian options available), entrees, sauces and Italian cookies. Please click here for ordering information and a list of products and pricing. Pre-orders are requested by 8pm on Tuesday. |
CLIFFORD FAMILY FARM Liam and Kimmy will be bringing pre-orders to the market. Clifford Family Farm has a lot of new crops they are currently harvesting and are so excited to see the summer crops in the field. This week they will be bringing broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers and broccoli rabe. Liam and Kimmy will also be bringing flowers again this week. Customers can place pre-orders via a new ordering site Please note, users do have to create an account to log-in and should choose pick-up location as Oakmont Farmer’s Market. Pre-orders are requested by Monday evening. Produce will also be available for purchase at the market. |
LINDENHOF FARM Lindenhof Farm has a new website for pre-ordering! Axel will be returning this Wednesday to bring his much loved meat. He will be bringing fresh eggs and chicken that is processed the day before the market. In addition he will be bringing a small amount of beef, pork, ham, lamb and duck for sale at the market. Go to to place your pre-order for beef, pork, fresh chicken, duck, lamb, and eggs. Pre-orders are requested to be in by Tuesday at noon. |
MY HOUSE COOKIES Marie will be returning to the market this week with her delectable baked goodies including quiches, cookies, scones, pies and more. Customers can pre-order via e-mail and pay at the market with exact change or credit card. Items available for pre-order include savory pies, quiches, pies cookies and scones. |
NEW-BEE RANCH Rachel will return this week with three different apiaries of local, raw honey, all-organic beeswax body products, lemon curd, and jams. Rachel has something extra special for you this week: pickled garlic scapes! They are pickled in a garlic-dill style, and you can get them either speared or lovingly hand-knotted. Pre-orders are welcome, but Rachel will bring her complete product line to the market on Wednesday. Send your pre-orders by direct messaging Rachel through her New-Bee Ranch social media pages or send an email to Payments can be made through PayPal to or Venmo @Rachel-Newby |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD Welcome back NSO and summer with fresh new potatoes, tender fresh garlic, and yummy fruit-in-jars! We’re so happy to be finally returning to Oakmont! We will probably have the last of the garlic scapes (here is Joe harvesting them!). We’ll also have some chard, tropea onions, lettuces and other goodies. When is fruit? A couple more weeks only! Place a pre-order online for easy pickup and the best selection. Go to to order on Saturday and Sunday (each week) until midnight. |
SOLRIG FARM This week at Solrig Farm we have been working on growing crops with purple colors to get ready for the July 4th weekend. Also, the purple color means extra antioxidants are in the microgreen. We also will have a bumper crop of sunflowers, and broccoli/kohlrabi mix. My farm associates just got finished making a new set of Microgreen Grow Kits so if you need that summer activity, stop by the tent and take a look at the kit. We will have a full complement of greens for you at the market, but you can also pre-order at When you place an order online, please indicate that you’d like to pick up your order at Oakmont Farmers Market in the cart area to the right of your screen. Phyllis looks forward to seeing everyone at the Market. |