A SEASONS CHEF Ruth will return to the market with her selection of quiches, frittatas, and other baked goods. Ruth features Chef Ruth’s pumpkin hummus and cranberry apple chicken salad. Featured soups this week are chicken noodle and gingered carrot. This week she will bring the following quiches in both small and large sizes: Mushroom & Asparagus and Dilled Shrimp. This week she will bring the following carb and gluten free frittatas in both small and large sizes: Broccoli and Chilaquiles. Ruth will also be bringing chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, and snickerdoodle cookies, as well as apple hand pies and banana chocolate chip bread. Ruth will also be bringing Day of the Dead treats, pictured below. Ruth will accept preorders via email at aseasonchef@gmail.com; however, she will be offering on site sales as well. The deadline for preorders is Sunday, in order to have necessary ingredients. Be sure to follow Ruth on Instagram @chef_ruth_catering and you can pre-pay via Venmo @seasonchef |
BOTANICAL BUBBLES Sherri will return to the market this week with her line-up of household and body products. Botanical Bubbles will have autumnal favorites like Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider Donut, and November’s soap of the month, Pear Cider. As the temperatures drop lip scrubs, sugar scrubs, and body butter are back in stock in your favorite scents. |
CONEBELLA FARM Pam will return to the market this week with Conebella’s selection of dairy products. They have both aged cheeses and fresh cheeses, but they also have yogurt and cultured butter. Stop by and try something new this week! Preorders are welcome at gable@conebellafarm.com. |
CRUSTY DELIGHT Eric will return to the market this week with his loaves of sourdough bread, fresh fruit scones, and pizza dough. To pre-order click here. |
ENOL VINEYARDS enol vineyards will return to the market this week with their locally-produced wines. |
FLAKELY Flakely will return to the market this week with their gluten free baked goods. |
FORGEDALE FUNGI Forgedale Fungi will return to the market this week with their farmed and foraged specialty mushrooms. |
KOMBUCHA BLISS Kombucha Bliss will return to the market with their selection of kombucha. Fall flavors include Calvados Mocktail, Fennel, Ginger Kick, Dragonfruit, Berry Lavender, Pineapple Ginger, and Koffucha in decaf and regular. Please remember you can return your bottles to be cleaned sanitized and re-used. Most glasses recycled never actually get recycled. Preorder requests can be sent to kombuchablissorders@gmail.com. Your invoice can be paid online or upon pickup. |
LINDENHOF FARM Axel will return to the market this week with Lindenhof’s usual beef, chicken, lamb, pet food, pot pies and eggs. Now is the time to preorder your Thanksgiving Turkey! Lindenhof still has whole white turkeys, heritage turkeys and turkey parts available. The deadline to order a fresh turkey is November 17th. This month Lindenhof will still have our fresh chicken and fresh ground turkey! And reminder, after Thanksgiving, we will continue to come every other week throughout the winter- same place, same time. All winter they’ll have fresh eggs and lots of roasts, pot pies, bacon, sausages and many other choices. Go to lindenhoffarm.com to place your pre-order for beef, pork, fresh chicken, duck, lamb, and eggs. Pre-orders are requested to be in by Tuesday at noon; however, Axel is offering on-site sales for the market as well. |
NEW-BEE RANCH New-Bee will return to the market this week with local, raw honey, and organic beeswax body products, including hand salve and the first of this year’s all-natural BODY BUTTER! In addition, she’ll have fresh ferments, and of course lemon curd and jams. Pre-orders are encouraged, but NBR will bring the complete product line to the market on Wednesday. Send your pre-orders by direct messaging Rachel through her New-Bee Ranch social media pages or send an email to newbeeranch@gmail.com. Pre-payments can be made through Venmo to @newbeeranch |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD North Star Orchard will return to the market this week with their locally grown produce. This week, all who stop by NSO’s stand will receive a yummy Florina apple…their holiday treat to YOU! They’ll be bringing those and lots of other fabulous varieties and Asian pears. Remember to get your order in for Gold Rush apples and/or varietal cider on our website here. |
RIDGE VALLEY FARM Sue will return to the market this week with all her maple goodies, syrups, jams, and jellies. Preorders are required for gallons and half gallons of syrup, as well as maple breakfast cake, maple chocolate chip cookies, maple pecan cookies, and maple sugar cookies. The cakes and cookies can be frozen and will keep 1-2 months in the freezer. Orders must be in by Tuesday afternoon by 4pm. Email suejimmyers@verizon.net or call 215-234-9334. |
SALVATERRA’S GARDENS Salvaterra’s Gardens will return to the market this week with their locally grown produce. This week they feature spring mix, arugula, kale, chard, collards, pak choy, dandelion greens, cabbage, broccoli, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, corn, radish, carrot, beets, turnips, scallions, garlic, head lettuce, parsley, dill and cilantro. The temperatures are cooling down and parsley, beets and hakurei turnips are back this week! Salvaterra may also have some fresh carrots, too. |
TRADITIONAL GREEK SWEETS Peggy will return to the market this week with their eats and sweets, all of which are baked from scratch in their commercial kitchen in Radnor PA. This week TGS features baklava, spanakopita, tzatziki, fiery feta, spanakorizo, and melomakarona (cool spice honey cookies). |
WOODSEDGE Brent will return to the market this week with WoodsEdge alpaca and llama clothing, as well as their honeys and beeswax candles. |