AMAZING ACRES GOAT DAIRY Amazing Acres will return to the market this week with plenty of fresh fromagina, a selection of chèvres, and a full array of bloomy rind cheeses. |
A SEASONS CHEF Ruth will return to the market this week with her baked goods, quiches and frittatas. This week Ruth features Quiche Lorraine, as well as Mushroom Quiche in two sizes. Frittatas this week are Spinach & Artichoke, Chilaquiles (spicy corn & tomato),Smoked Salmon, and Asparagus offered in two sizes. For your sweet tooth Ruth will also bring Black Forest Cupcakes and Petit Lemon Cake. Pre-orders are encouraged, but Ruth will bring products for sale at the market, too. Send pre-orders to aseasonchef@gmail.com by Sunday. |
BRIA AND LATELLA’S ITALIAN AMERICAN DELI & KITCHEN George will return to the market this week with all the dishes you’ve come to know and love from Bria & Latella’s. |
LINDENHOF FARM Axel will return to the market this week with Lindenhof’s usual beef, chicken, lamb, pet food, pot pies, and eggs. Did you know Lindenhof has 30 different types of sausage to choose from? They’ve got: 2 beef, 2 lamb, 1 chicken, 9 turkey & 16 pork! They also have 3 varieties of pot pies in two sizes, 3 sizes of chicken eggs and 2 sizes of duck eggs. Axel will also have Lindenhof’s usual wide selection of fresh chicken, beef steaks and roasts, pork chops and roasts, and a variety of organs. |
NEW-BEE RANCH New Bee Ranch is excited to see you at Oakmont FM! New Bee Ranch will have local, raw honey, as well as organic beeswax body products including hand salve and so many fun candles, fresh ferments, and of course lemon curd (several varieties!) and jams. Pre-orders are encouraged, but NBR will bring the complete product line to the market on Wednesday. Send your pre-orders by direct messaging Rachel through her New-Bee Ranch social media pages or send an email to newbeeranch@gmail.com. Pre-payments can be made through Venmo to @newbeeranch |
NEW ROAD BRINERY New Road Brinery will return to the market this week with Patrick’s lineup of pickles, salts, rubs, and hot sauces. |
NORTH STAR ORCHARD North Star Orchard will return to the market this week with their locally grown produce. This week NSO features peaches and nectarines! Additionally, they feature lettuce, fingerling and new potatoes. |
PHILLY PHOODS Philly Phoods will return to the market this week with their locally grown microgreens. This week they feature Broccoli Sprouts, Rambo Radish, Dunn Pea, and Black Oil Sunflower Microgreens. Each is $2.99 per OZ or a 3oz clamshell $8.99 Try all 4 Microgreens 12 Oz for $28. They will also have sunflower and pea shoot pesto! |
PLANTSTATION PASTA PlantStation Pasta will return to the market this week with their selection of pastas and sauces. This week they feature pasta, pizzelles and either tiramisu or biscotti. |
SALVATERRA’S GARDENS Salvaterra’s Gardens will return with their fresh, local organic produce this week. This week they feature lettuce mix, spicy European mesclun mix, arugula, tuscan kale, green kale, red kale, collards, chard, escarole, dandelion greens, red leaf, green leaf, scallions, red radishes, hakurei salad turnips, beets, carrots, fennel, parsley, dill, cilantro, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, snow peas, zucchini (green and yellow), napa cabbage, green cabbage. New this week is fresh organically grown basil! Customers have been asking and it’s finally here- organically grown basil. It’s here just in time for those Fourth of July caprese salads or Caprese pasta salad- an easy and delicious twist ! It’s perfect to make ahead and let all the flavors come together before guests arrive. See the recipe below. |